Be productive on the go with Teams mobile apps

In this short tutorial I will show you how you can be productive on the go, using Microsoft Teams mobile apps.


During the past year or so I’ve been using Teams more and more, communicating with my team, writing technical documentation and tutorials, answering Office 365 related questions from educators and more.


While the mobile apps used to have some weaknesses, recent updates enables you to be almost as productive on a train, at the beach, or anywhere else outside the office.


On iOS, version 1.0.30 of the Teams app enabled us to share text, pictures and files from other apps in Teams.


We’ve also for quite a while been able to do video conferencing from mobile devices, both on iOS, Android and Windows Phone.


Following the education scenario, students working on a natural science project could take pictures of tree leaves, insert them into a private chat with their classmates in the same group to discuss things like what tree it’s from, and then finally save it into their class notebooks or a Teams assignment.


Let’s see what that would look like.



Take a picture, open it in Photos and hit the share button in the lower left corner.



Attach a message and hit Select in the lower right corner.


Search for and choose either a channel or a classmate as a recipient, once finished click share (see the above screenshot).


Choose whether or not you want to compress the image to save space, and the picture with the message is sent to the recipient.


To learn more about how you can add images, text or documents into an assignment, please see my recent post about Assignments in Teams mobile apps.

Also, if you’re an admin wanting to perform administrative tasks on the go, make sure to check out my post Managing Teams on the go (like a boss…).


If you think this article has room for improvement, or you simply enjoy my work, please leave a comment below, hit the like button or share in social media.


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