Share a folder in Teams

In this short blog post I’ll demo the experience when sharing a folder from within Microsoft Teams.


Let’s say you’re working on a project, and there are external parties like vendors or subcontractors involved, who needs to review or collaborate on some project documents.

You might for some reason not want to invite them as a guest to the team, so let’s instead just share the folder with the relevant documents.

First open the Files tab, navigate to the location of the folder you’d like to share and click Open in SharePoint.


Mark the appropriate folder and click Share.share.png

In the sharing dialogue, click to change who should be able to view or edit.

sharing dialogue.png

I’ll choose specific people, which ensures that the recipient will need to identify themselves by logging on.

sharing specific people.png

Notice that Anyone with the link is grayed out, this is as a result of default settings on the underlying SharePoint document library, but can easily be changed, which is something I covered here.

When you click Apply you’ll be able to enter the email of the recipient, and optionally add a short message.

Send link.png

Click Send and you’ll get a notification confirming the link is sent.

link sent.png

The recipient will receive an email notification and will start the process of gaining access by clicking Open.

open shared folder dialogue.png

To verify the secure link, click Send Code.

send code.png

The recipient will receive an email with a code that is valid for 15 minutes.

code in email.png

Copy the code, navigate back to the link sharing validation, paste it and click Verify.

verify code.png

Click Next…


…and you will be taken to the shared folder in SharePoint.

files in tenant.png

Let’s finally verify that we can only see the appropriate folder by clicking General.


There you go, only one available folder…

only shared folder.png

…as opposed to what the actual team members will see.

general channel view.png


1 thought on “Share a folder in Teams

  1. Pingback: 📝 Microsoft Teams Gouvernance Teams – 🏗️Construction du back-end -Part 2 – Improve . Modern . Productivity

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